Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Colour results from a Sony PVM-2541 TriMaster OLED monitor

Having spent a bit more time with the Klein K10-A probe I profiled the Sony monitor we hired to practice on.

Here you can see the colour gamut for the displayed compared to the Rec709 colour space for television.

It is an excellent match with the green extremity being a tiny bit mis-matched. I would not expect to see this from either a CRT or LCD monitor.
The white curved line is the "black body locus" and is where physicists define the colour of white.

1. Gamut measurements

White Field
Video  x    y    Y      
255  .313 .336   136.45 

Red Field
Video  x    y    Y      
255  .639 .332   28.35 

Green Field
Video  x    y    Y      
255  .296 .603   99.75 

Blue Field
Video  x    y    Y      
255  .149 .060   9.47 

EBU Overlap Gamut Value:  98.4%

2. Gamma measurements

White Field
Video  x    y    Y      
235  .313 .334   110.99 
207  .313 .334    83.10 
180  .314 .336    58.14 
153  .315 .337    37.74 
125  .317 .338    22.35 
 97  .319 .341    11.39 
 70  .324 .347     3.50 
 43  ---- ----     0.39 
 16  ---- ----     0.01 

Red Field
Video  x    y     Y  
235  .640 .332    24.30 
207  .641 .332    17.79 
180  .642 .332    12.87 
153  .645 .332     7.72 
125  .651 .333     4.20 
 97  .664 .332     1.88 
 70  .671 .325     0.65 
 43  ---- ----     0.09 
 16  ---- ----     0.01 

Green Field
Video  x    y     Y      
235  .296 .603    81.12 
207  .297 .603    57.73 
180  .297 .604    39.60 
153  .297 .604    25.74 
125  .297 .608    14.55 
 97  .297 .614     6.97 
 70  .296 .638     2.27 
 43  ---- ----     0.26 
 16  ---- ----     0.01 

Blue Field
Video  x    y      Y      
235  .149 .060     8.19 
207  .149 .059     5.73 
180  .149 .059     3.89 
153  .148 .058     2.39 
125  .147 .056     1.29 
 97  .143 .053     0.54 
 70  ---- ----     0.18 
 43  ---- ----     0.02 
 16  ---- ----     0.01 

You can see that the colour of white through grey tracks very well until you get to within 15% of black; you can generally accurately read the luminance level down to sub 1Cd/m2 but colour measurements become too noisy down there. The K10-A seems to perform better than our DK PM5639 in this respect.


dorychepney said...

Impressive results from the PVM. In your opinion could this monitor be used in a HD grading suite? Would it ever be worth buying a BVM OLED.

Phil Crawley said...

I think it probably comes down to the level of guarantee; the first-gen PVMs only had a year whereas the BVMs have always had three years. I'm not sure what the 2541 has - year or three? BUT, the received wisdom in the industry is that you're paying three times as much for the BVM largely for three times the guarantee.
How long the blue elements remain blue for is yet to be seen. I shall check back on some of the monitors we're selling now in a years time to see if they're drifting yellow/going noisy in the blues.