Friday, December 31, 2021

SDi physical layer measurement for 3G and 12G; a video presentation.

In the last couple of months I've had to do both training and fault-finding for SDi physical layer measurements. Below is a cut-down video of the half-day training; just so you can get feel for my training style.

I've also been working for a sports broadcaster tracing a problem they have with their incoming OB lines (all via a telco's private cloud J2K SDi route) - the problem was more fundamental than you'd think, but I got to the bottom of it.

I'm very pleased to have a Leader LV5490 with the physical layer measurement option; I can just rock-up at a clients and within minutes be able to give them proper eye measurements with jitter (both 10Hz wander and 10/100KHz-filtered readings). 

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