Sunday, October 30, 2005

I've just watched the first episode of the BBC's new drama "Bleak House" which for the most part was superb. The sets, costumes, acting and especially the music made me even more thankful that we have a BBC. Visually I was appalled - the amount of bad hand-held footage outweighed the locked-off shots, the framing of many shots was terrible and the whole thing looked like it had been graded by a colour-blind person on acid! It seems that big-budget productions want a visual style that immitates video (the whole PD150 hand-held look) but don't have the courage to shoot it on interlaced video - actually this one was shot on HDCam but with a progressive "film look" (sic). The colour-style changed from scene to scene with absolutely no detail in the blacks (I know this is the modern fashion). Now below are several frame-grabs from my DVB card so between the DigiBeta master and these JPEGs there is no analogue paths (only a shed-load of compression, but that doesn't alter the colourimetry) and so it should give you an idea of the relative grading-styles and the poor nature of the framing on some of the shots.

Bit of blue for the dads!"

Looks a bit like Fujifilm from the 1970's - green cast on everything (like all my childhood photos!)

Do you think they told them camera operators that they shouldn't let the actors see them! A bit like those shows where they trap dodgy plumbers with a PD150 hidden in a rucksack!
For me it really spoils the enjoyment because it puts something in the way, I can't help feeling like it's shot on a sound stage and is somehow less honest than it could have been.

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